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您的位置: 篮球新闻 > Woj:森林狼理解戈贝尔无意伤害李凯尔 且后者反复骂他“bitch”

Woj:森林狼理解戈贝尔无意伤害李凯尔 且后者反复骂他“bitch”

作者:绿色直播    时间:2023-04-12 02:44:32
Woj: Timberwolves Understand Gobert's Unintentional Harm to Li Kail and the Latter's Repetitive Insults of "Bitch"

In a recent NBA game between the Utah Jazz and the Minnesota Timberwolves, Rudy Gobert, the center for the Jazz, inadvertently caused a collision with Li Kail, a guard for the Timberwolves. Gobert's action resulted in Li Kail being injured and unable to continue playing in the game.

Despite Gobert's apologies and expressions of concern for Li Kail's well-being, Li Kail repeatedly called him a "bitch" during and after the game. Many fans and analysts criticized Li Kail for his disrespectful behavior, as Gobert clearly had no intention of hurting him and was genuinely sorry for what had happened.

However, Adrian Wojnarowski, a prominent NBA reporter, recently revealed that the Timberwolves organization understands Li Kail's frustration and anger towards Gobert. The team recognizes that players may react emotionally in the heat of the moment and that Li Kail's insults towards Gobert were a result of his injury and disappointment in the game's outcome.

At the same time, the Timberwolves also acknowledge Gobert's sportsmanship and professionalism in handling the situation. They appreciate his sincere apologies and concern for Li Kail's injury and recognize that accidents can happen in the fast-paced and physical nature of the game.

Overall, the Timberwolves organization and NBA community as a whole understand the difficult position that both Gobert and Li Kail were put in during this game. While unintentional harm can occur in sports, it is important for players to handle these situations with respect and professionalism towards each other.
